10 Things No One Tells You About Adoption by Rose trushali KotechaApr 27, 20211 min readhttps://www.roseclearfield.com/10-things-no-one-tells-you-about-adoption/?fbclid=IwAR12kCX0xtG-fEut_aH-g0aBh5jTpYL0oy0X2sMg1tItuCMnHfVNrNCZXEo This is a brilliant blog of the things various families go through in their adoption journeys. I know that I can certainly relate to a good few of them!
https://www.roseclearfield.com/10-things-no-one-tells-you-about-adoption/?fbclid=IwAR12kCX0xtG-fEut_aH-g0aBh5jTpYL0oy0X2sMg1tItuCMnHfVNrNCZXEo This is a brilliant blog of the things various families go through in their adoption journeys. I know that I can certainly relate to a good few of them!
Harrowing stories from decades of forced adoption in the UK revealed in book by Ramsgate’s Karen Constantine
This article is more than 3 years old'I felt a strange grief when I found my birth mother': Jackie Kay on The Adoption Papers